
Volunteer Activities

Get started today by contacting us about which volunteer activities are on your heart!

Occasionally our houseparents like to plan a dinner out together as a couple, or they may have a speaking engagement or other special event to attend. Housesitters take over the responsibilities of the home (including the girls) for a few hours so houseparents can attend these activities. This need could be during the day, the afternoon or evening, or on a weekend.

Sometimes we have girls who don’t have the support of family or friends to visit them and take them out for special activities. A Big Sister can fill a much needed void in a young girl’s life. The Big Sister commits to visit once a week, call occasionally, and remember birthdays and other special occasions. (See Big Sister information below.)

Christian families provide much-needed role models and are a huge encouragement to the young women and houseparents. Inviting the girl(s) to your home for a cookout and some fun activities with your family is a blessing. Another idea would be to invite the girl(s) to join your family for putt-putt or out for ice-cream on a warm summer evening.

An aftercare family specifically desires to house a girl for a few months after birth to help her transition into her new life away from CLH.

Volunteers who are very talented in the domestic duties of a home are encouraged to plan a one-time (or more) visit to the Home to teach the girls. The girls enjoy learning how to bake, sew, knit, cook, decorate and make crafts. Scrapbooking is also a great idea to spend time with the girls as they enjoy the time to work on documenting their pregnancy and time spent at CLH.

Volunteers who give of their services to help maintain our home. Plumbers, electricians, carpet cleaners, painters, and laborers are just a few of the services needed to maintain the home.